Courageous Creativity is an opportunity to play, celebrate, and elevate your creativity. Whether you are a visual artist or you express creativity through cooking, decorating, or any other avenue — this class will help you find your way to greater inspiration. This is a 10-week gathering of like-minded individuals that wish to cultivate their creative expression and learn more about themselves. Our class will be a hands-on experience curated to bring out the expressive possibilities that are ready to be awakened.
The classic creative processes by Julia Cameron, “The Artist’s Way”, will be used as a resource for the class. Each class meeting will become a therapeutic adventure to explore your inner landscape both at conscious and unconscious levels. The class will provide a space for positive personal growth.
Art Therapy practices that are fun and informative.
Learn about NeuroArts—the benefits of the arts on the human brain and body.
Optional projects will be provided to do on your own time that will increase the benefits of elevating your creativity.
Whether you’re an artist or have never picked up a paintbrush, this course is for you.
If you’re curious about unlocking your creative potential in any form, you’re in the right place.
No experience required—just a willingness to play, experiment, and discover new ways to express yourself.
You do not need any previous art experience. The process of creating is more important than the final product. Each person is an expert on their work and will find meaning at a personal level. This will be a judgment-free zone, including your inner critic.
Total investment for 10-week class series is $550
(20 in-person hours -- total value $1000+)
Installment Option:
$275 due at the time of registration
$275 due one month later
Pay in Full Option:
$500 due at the time of registration
* $50 discount for PIF *
Additionally, we will have a 2-part class series with a split schedule. This group will be located in Ivins, Utah at MakeSpace Kayenta. You will have the option to attend one or both parts of the series. If you attend both Part 1 and Part 2, you will receive the full experience of the 10-week series, just divided into two sections.
Part 1: beginning May 1st
5 weeks total
Part 2: beginning Fall 2025
6 weeks total
additional details TBA
Total investment for full 2-part class series (Part 1 and Part 2) is $550
(20 in-person hours -- total value $1000+)
Part 1:
$250 due at the time of registration
Part 2:
$300 due at the time of registration
Class registration available Fall 2025
All materials for art projects will be provided.
Please obtain a copy of “The Artist’ Way” prior to our first session.
Email: [email protected]